What are the voices in your head saying? If they're
counterproductive shut it down quickly. Our mind naturally leans towards chaos
and the manifestation of these ideas will soon become detrimental desires. Let
the mental light shine brightly, whatever it takes to eliminate the adverse and
illuminate the valuable, grab hold of that tool and bring about the good. This
exercise takes, practice, patience, and perseverance, but each effort brings
you closer to a harmonized and orderly mind.
This week make the commitment to be nothing less than a Doer.
Take the reigns and LIVE up to your full potential. Refuse to be distracted by
insignificant things, thoughts, or people. Don’t procrastinate, act now without
hesitation, anxiety or fear. Go to bed with the pleasing feeling of exhaustion.
Tired out because you have fulfilled every task, m
aximized every opportunity,
and optimized every second of the day. Waking up fully restored and eager to feed
your passion with productivity. Becoming an addict for your purpose, addicted
to the high experienced when living out your destiny. Lets paint our masterpiece.
Lets L.I.V.E. a life we Love.
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